Who We Are

Our Mission

To empower Lions clubs, volunteers, and partners to improve health and well-being, strengthen communities, and support those in need through humanitarian services and grants that impact lives globally, and encourage peace and international understanding.

Our Vision

To be the global leader in community and humanitarian service.

Our Motto

We Serve.
Where There's a Need,
There's a Lion.

Our Global Causes

•Childhood Cancer
Top 10 Benefits of joining Lions Club
  • Community Service: Participate in meaningful projects that directly impact and improve your local community.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of individuals, including business leaders, community influencers, and professionals from various fields.
  • Leadership Development: Gain leadership skills through club roles, project management, and participating in leadership training programs.
  • Global Impact: Contribute to international projects and initiatives, addressing global challenges such as vision care, hunger, and disaster relief.
  • Personal Growth: Enhance vour personal and professional skills through involvement in various club activities and community proiects.
  • Friendship and Fellowship: Build lasting relationships with fellow members who share a commitment to service and community betterment.
  • Recognition and Awards: Receive recognition for our service contributions through various awards and honors provided by the Lions Club International.
  • Health and Wellness: Engage in activities that promote health and wellness, both personally and within your community.
  • Educational Opportunities: Access resources, training, and information that can broaden your knowledge and understanding of various issues and topics.
  • Family Involvement: Opportunities for family members to get involved, fostering a culture of service and community-mindedness across generations.

Ready to Serve?

Join our club today! Click the button below to start, or contact us for more information.
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More Volunteers Doing More Community Work in More Places than Any Service Club Organization.

When it comes to meeting challenges, our response is simple: We serve. In 207 countries, in hospitals and senior centers, in regions battered by natural disaster, in schools and eyeglass recycling centers, Lions are doing community volunteer work, helping, leading, planning and supporting. Because we're local, we can serve the unique needs of the communities we live in. And because we're global, we can address challenges that go beyond borders.

We want everyone to see a better tomorrow. That's why we support sight programs and services including vision screenings, eye banks and eyeglass recycling. Provide eye care services to those at risk of losing their sight. And raise donations through campaigns like SightFirst and Campaign SightFirst II.

We believe everyone deserves a healthy life. From providing health programs that focus on hearing loss to supporting efforts to control and prevent diabetes, Lions volunteers are working to improve the health of children and adults around the world.

We empower the next generation. Whether it's providing youth volunteer opportunities and leadership experiences in a Leo club or sharing a message of peace through our Peace Poster contest, our youth programs invest in the future by reaching out to young people.

We serve local communities – and protect the planet. From performing hands-on community work and service projects to providing emergency assistance, our community and environment programs improve our communities – and protect the environment. 

See what the Floresville Lions Club have been up to!

Lions Scrapbook